Plastics and the enviroment

Plastics and the environment
As a supplier of plastics, we see the importance of the social debate on plastic soup, microplastic and sustainable materials, although some reporting on plastic is much more nuanced, the fact is that we need to move to more sustainable materials.
At Bioplasticshop we have been working for several years to see how we can implement this. The practice is that in recent years there have been too few alternatives or that these alternatives were far too expensive or did not meet the right requirements.
After experimenting with jute with PLA (bioplastic) and recycling sheets, we have finally found a beautiful and good bioplastic that we now have in stock.
Solanyl bioplastic sheets are in many cases a good alternative to polystyrene and polypropylene sheets.
Solanyl is made from starch from the residual flows of the potato processing industry.
Solanyl is biobased and biodegradable.
These sheets can be lasercut, drilled, printed, bended and punched.
Milling testing is currently ongoing.
Milling testing is currently ongoing.
We have solanyl in stock as sheets of 1 mm thickness in white and various colors. If you are looking for other thicknesses or sizes please contact us.
Unfortunately, the waste processing industry in the Netherlands is not yet ready for bioplastic to be binned at the GFT. In Belgium, this is already the case in some provinces. We are currently in a transition phase where sometimes you would like to go faster but where you are depending on all parties in the sustainable chain.
We as will do everything in our part to ensure sustainable materials for businesses, education and individuals.
We are not there yet, but the first steps have been taken.